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A Tale of Three Women

I have abstained from writing about feminism or anything political on this blog, simply because this is for entertainment: music, movies and murder. There is nothing new for me to add to the conversation; in fact, it often feels like having the same conversation again and again. But I have always been a feminist at…


Dune is English literature’s most prominent sci-fi story which set the template for movies like Star Wars and offered a political commentary on the then-present day quest for oil in the Middle East. It has six books which follows the planet’s history and the unrelenting quest for their stand-in for oil, spice/melange. We see kings…

Everyone on this train is a suspect by Benjamin Stevenson

SPOILER FREE This is the much-awaited sequel to Everyone in my family has killed someone, a book that won so many awards and sold so many copies, it practically reinvented the genre. The title is long, yet simple. It is also true; everyone in that book has killed someone, but not necessarily in the way…

Feel the rain on your skin

Anyone but you (2023) is a callback to every single romcom movie ever made. There was a wave of those in the nineties and early aughts, with actresses like Katherine Heigl, Kate Hudson, Julia Roberts playing beautiful women falling for handsome men and making a bunch of stupid decisions, till they both realize, at the…


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